I’m doing this cookbook because I’ve always dreamed of being a chef. I grew up in a home where my parent’s entertained constantly and they cooked everything. I watched them and learned and discovered my love for cooking. My mother, Cecilia is a gourmet cook and Baker and thank God alive and well and still cooking and baking. I’ve always wanted to have a BISTRO to prepare my recipes and my mom’s. Now I have the time and I’m giving it a try. So I hope you like my dishes. Buen Provecho.
Chef Manny

Sugar cookies with anisse and the Cuban touch topped with pieces of Guayaba.

Simple southern breakfast grits with cheddar cheese topped with two fried eggs.

Sugar cookies with Anisse.

Cuban Calabasa [pumpkin] loaf with walnuts brushed with rum

Plain bagel with cream cheese topped with fresh Alaskan Wild Lox, hard boiled eggs cut in rings topped with dijon mustard and for the Cuban touch QUESO BLANCO.

Fetuccini with Lobster shrimp and clams in a white wine garlic sauce.

Rum walnut cake with cream cheese frosting and rum infused cheeries.